Daniel Battsek

1978 – 82 ‘The Hoyts Film Corporation’ Sydney, Australia
1982 Returned to England and joined Palace Video Limited.
1985 Appointed to run off-spring of the above, namely Palace Pictures Film Distribution Company.
1988 Promoted to Managing Director with responsibility for all aspects of Marketing/Distribution in UK & Ireland.
1991 Approached by The Walt Disney Company to start-up UK Company as part of world-wide distribution network for BVI.
March 1992 Became Vice President, Managing Director of Buena Vista International (UK) Limited.
Jan 1995 Promoted to Vice President, Managing Director and European Acquisitions Director of BVI (UK) Limited.
Oct 1998 Promoted to Senior Vice President, BVI (UK) Limited
April 1999 Set-up the BVI UK Comedy Label, which to date has produced 3 features, High Heels and Low Lifes (2001), Hope Springs and Calendar Girls (both released 2003).

BIFA Roles

2003 Jury Member