Board Member Recruitment 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

the application period for this role has now closed


There are currently several specific areas of expertise we would like to add to the Board. We welcome applications from all, but are especially keen to receive applications from those in groups currently under-represented within the work force in the film industry. Please read the following information before completing the form at the bottom of the page:


important note to applicants who have already submitted a form for this role:

Due to a bit of a site error, applications submitted before Tuesday 23 July 2024 have not been recorded. We’re really sorry for this, apparently it’s not just huge corporations that have issues with their updates… If you already applied, we’d be incredibly grateful if you could fill in the application form again via the same link (below). We promise the form now works perfectly. 

If you have applied and received a confirmation email from us, everything is fine, we got you. 


Aims of the organisation

We celebrate, promote and support talent and creativity in British independent film, to develop a rich, inclusive and sustainable independent film culture in the UK.

The annual British Independent Film Awards highlight the brightest lights of British independent filmmaking. A rigorous discussion-based process reveals the best independent films of the year, and awards outstanding achievement from on- and off-screen talent. The awards have a particular focus on new talent, with six categories rewarding first-time filmmakers and actors.

We recognise the cultural benefits of a thriving independent film culture and therefore strive to promote outstanding British independent films and filmmaking talent to a wider audience. To help ensure that British independent films speak to the entirety of the British public, we use our platform to promote diverse stories to diverse audiences, across the length and breadth of the UK and via our social channels, encouraging conversation and engagement with these exceptional films.

Our Springboard programme provides professional development and networking opportunities for some of the UK’s most exciting emerging writers, directors and producers, helping them to fulfil their potential and ensuring the good health of the British independent film industry for many years to come. In 2023 we piloted the Breakthrough Performers Programme in partnership with We Are Bridge, to support new performers entering the industry.

Our situation at the heart of the industry allows us to respond quickly to filmmakers’ changing needs and to provide solutions that affect long-lasting and meaningful change, building towards a more sustainable and accessible industry. Our Board and committees are vital, active links into this rapidly changing industry, guiding and advising the organisation’s strategy.

BIFA is a Community Interest Company, with all revenue invested in its activities to support independent film.

Role of the Board

Three groups of volunteers, drawn from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines across the film industry, advise BIFA’s small executive team: the Board, the Advisory Committee and the Nomination Committee.

These committees guide and support the BIFA team as they develop new programmes to ensure that these respond effectively to the needs of the industry, giving the team access to a range of informed and expert opinions to challenge and steer the organisation. BIFA exists to benefit the independent filmmaking community in the UK and these groups act as representatives of the industry in shaping the organisation’s activity.

The Advisory Committee has a broad role advising the small executive team on aspects of the award ceremony, audience development activity and industry training initiatives. The Nomination Committee makes recommendations about rules and processes for the Awards and oversees their implementation through the eligibility and voting process.

The (non-executive) Board sits above both of these committees and, as well as offering high level guidance and challenge to the executive, has formal responsibility for the overall organisational strategy and budget as well as director appointments (exec and non-exec).

Board members may serve a maximum of six years, in renewable two year terms. The only exception to this is the Distributor role, which has been rotated more frequently to ensure a fair spread of representation on the Board from this key industry sector.


The Board meets around six times per year (usually online), for about 1h30 at each meeting. Papers are sent for review two weeks before the meeting; preparation for the meeting should take no more than an hour. Between meetings Board members may be asked to contribute to discussions via email, to read and comment on proposals/documents or to support the executive team with introductions or advice on specific queries. Board members may also be asked to advocate for the organisation, either within the industry or publicly.

Board members are invited to the Awards in December and various other awards-related events in the run up to the ceremony.

Member Specification 2024

There are currently several specific areas of expertise we would like to add to the Board. We welcome applications from all, but are especially keen to receive applications from those in groups currently under-represented within the work force in the film industry.


We would like to include another filmmaker (in any key creative role, including on-screen) who is actively working in UK independent film and has significant experience in features to lend their perspective and expertise to the Board, especially its discussions and reflections on BIFA’s support of emerging talent (Springboard and Breakthrough Performers Programme) and the industry more broadly, both in terms of the current offer and in terms of what more BIFA could and should be doing.


One Board seat is reserved for a distributor, since this sector of the industry is a key stakeholder for BIFA’s awards and marketing activity. 

Sponsorship & Business Development

BIFA has diversified its activities over the last five years but, as a Community Interest Company without any core funding, stabilising its financial position in the medium to long term is a key priority for the Board and the organisation. The Board and BIFA would like to include an individual with experience of sponsorship or fundraising on the Board to help to advise on strategy in this area. 

apply TO be a board member

A sub-committee of the Board (comprising the Chair, one current Board member and the two Co-Directors of BIFA) will assess applications and meet with applicants.

Friday 2 August 2024 Deadline for applications
w/c 2 September Interviews
w/c 23 September Final decisions
January 2025 Board meeting New Board members invited to observe
March 2025 Board meeting First official meeting for new Board members
The application period for this role has ended. 

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