Focusing on one street and its inhabitants over a three-year period, the film charts the toxic collision of gentrification, austerity and the nation’s slide into Brexit. ——————— As the glinting steel and mirror-glass skyscrapers of London’s financial hub have edged ever closer, the area surrounding Hoxton Street has been transformed by hyper-gentrification and sky-high property prices. A traditional East London street less than a mile from the City of London – it has now become the last bastion of the areas disadvantaged – a concentration of the aged, poor and dispossessed. Hoxton Street’s close-knit working-class community has absorbed waves of immigrants since the 1950’s. But as traditional industry has withered, the latest influx of young urban hipsters followed closely by expensive restaurants, digital media start-ups and corporate property developers has brought with it a deepening sense of inequality. Sensing they have been left out of the changes swirling around them, the street’s ageing white residents, who lament the loss of their jobs and former ways of life, mirror the 52% of Britons who voted to leave the EU. Set against the upheavals of rapid gentrification and unrestrained capitalism, years of austerity, the fallout from Grenfell and the eruption of Brexit, the film is a revealing portrait of life in London today.